
The ransomware protection from Pemvara, safeguards businesses against the most complex cyberattacks and securely restores locked records to maintain corporate efficiency. The entire endpoint protection system from Pemvara, includes anti-Ransomware. To prevent system vulnerabilities and data theft, Pemvara offers thorough real-time protection at the greatest level of security.


Refrain and Check for Ransomware

 Pemvara delivers effective policy-based update administration to keep user computers secure.

Adaptive Strategy

 Pemvara’s tracking notifications are dynamically focused so that professionals can concentrate on the most important problems.

Protect and Restore

Pemvara will protect the assets and data in the real, digital, and cloud environments. With Pemvara, you can quickly recover in order to reduce downtime and safeguard your data.

Data recovery after encryption

Pemvara offers the opportunity to restore locked documents to their previously unfettered state and halts ransomware before it escalates.

Protect your business from ransomware with the best defence

Ransomware avoidance is an essential part of email information security for businesses of all sizes. In a ransomware attack, hackers infiltrate a company’s security, restrict access to networks or data, and demand payment of a ransom to remove the restriction. Hackers frequently use email to begin a ransomware attack on a computer network, tricking users into clicking on a risky URL or downloading a malicious file.

Enlist the help of Pemvara Professional Services to help you identify threats and security gaps, put in place the necessary safeguards to boost ransomware resistance, and recover from attacks more quickly and without losing any data.


Popular Ransomware Versions


CryptoLocker is arguably the most well-known version. The attackers of the first CryptoLocker ransomware had taken about $3 million from its customers when it was taken offline in May 2014. Attackers have heavily replicated the CryptoLocker method in the years that have followed, however the newest variants are not very similar to the original.


The 2017 WannaCry ransomware assault, which damaged 200,000 businesses in more than 150 countries, grabbed international attention. Windows systems were infected by the ransomware strain using the EternalBlue vulnerability. This attack rendered obsolete unfixed and out-of-date computers, costing businesses money and time.


Petya, in commemoration of the 1995 James Bond film Goldeneye, was the name given to the variation. It was initially discovered in March 2016. However, the effects of this kind were substantial. Unlike some other types of viruses, Petya locks entire computer networks. Petya overwrites the boot sector file, preventing the computer system from booting.

Bad Rabbit

A phony Adobe Flash upgrade enables Bad Rabbit to spread on infected webpages. Although this ransomware variant has affected businesses in Russia and Eastern Europe, it still poses a threat on a global scale. When the malware strikes a computer, viewers are directed to a ransom website where they are asked to pay.05 bitcoin.


The Maze virus earned prominence for causing user data leaks, mainly in the medical industry, as soon as it was discovered in 2019. However, those responsible for the Maze ransomware, who have stolen more than 100GB of records, have also targeted companies like Xerox Corp.


Ryuk ransomware was the primary attack type in 2020, accounting for 25% of all ransomware attacks. Ryuk is used in crimes against companies, hospitals, and governmental entities. Ryuk encrypts corporate files and then demands a sizable payment, typically in the millions.

    We solve your doubts, just call us!

    Modern ransomware hides itself in your computer using a number of cunning strategies until the time is right to attack. Hackers create fresh, unidentified variants on the fly using DDOS techniques so they may avoid next-generation antivirus software and leave no traces for behavioral monitoring systems to find. The theft is ongoing and persistent because it is hiding in your networks and waiting for the right moment to cause the most damage.


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