Infamous Ransomware Variants
Probably the biggest well-known variant is called CryptoLocker. Before the initial CryptoLocker malware was taken offline in May 2014, its attackers had stolen around $3 million from its users. Following subsequently, the CryptoLocker strategy has been extensively imitated by attackers, however, the current iterations are not closely related to the initial.
In a massive ransomware attack that affected 200,000 companies in more than 150 nations in 2017, WannaCry made headlines around the world. Using the EternalBlue vulnerability, the ransomware variant infected Windows computers. This assault disabled unfixed and out-of-date computers, wasting firms’ cash and effort.
The variant was given the title Petya in honor of the 1995 Bond Movie Goldeneye. It was first detected in March 2016. The consequences of this variety, nevertheless, were real. Petya locks whole computer networks, in contrast to certain other varieties of malware. The boot sector file is overwritten by Petya, which prevents the computer system from booting.
Moreover, a quarter of all ransomware assaults in 2020 were caused by Ryuk ransomware, making it the preferred assault type. Crimes on businesses, medical facilities, and governmental institutions employ ryuk. Company files are encrypted by Ryuk, who then wants a hefty payment, usually in the millions.
Bad Rabbit
On infected webpages, a false Adobe Flash upgrade allows Bad Rabbit to propagate. Despite infecting enterprises in Russia and Eastern Europe, this ransomware variant continues to pose a risk on a worldwide scale. Viewers are sent to a ransom website that requests .05 bitcoin when the virus affects a computer.
As soon as it was identified in 2019, the Maze virus swiftly gained notoriety for causing the leak of user information, primarily in the medical sector. Nevertheless, the Maze ransomware’s perpetrators, who have taken over 100GB of documents, have also attacked businesses like Xerox Corp.
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